Certificato scaduto vmware vcenter (virtual center expired certificate error)

Posted on 25 ottobre 2016 di


In caso di certificati CA vcenter 5.5 scaduti, per un pronto ripristino delle funzionalità seguire questi steps dopo aver fatto un backup di sicurezza del db.

1. Stop services like update manager, srm, netapp vsc and set it to disabled (avoid start after reboot)

2. Uninstall vCenter Server and its components in this order:

vSphere Web Client
vCenter Server
vCenter Inventory Service
vCenter Single Sign-On

3. Rename these folders containing SSL information:

Rename C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure to InfrastructureOld
Rename C:\ProgramData\VMware\Infrastructure to InfrastructureOld
Rename C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter to vCenterOld
Rename C:\ProgramData\VMware\vSphere Web Client to WebClientOld
Rename C:\ProgramData\VMware\SSL to SSLOld
4. Install vCenter Server and its components in this order:

Inventory Service
vCenter Server (pointing existing db)
Web Client

5. Log in to vCenter Server via the Web Client using administrator@vsphere.local for 5.5.

6. Set any Cluster DRS on “maual” (avoid vmotion while operations are in progress) and then reconnet every single esxi host to vcenter.

Fatto questo avrete dei certificati autofirmati ed una situazione pulita: potete far puntare
gli applicativi che non funzionavano a causa dell’errore di expiring certificate. (workaround rapido)

7. Terminata l’emergenza, potrete aggiornare i certificati con comodo seguendo la guida:
Deploying and using the SSL Certificate Automation Tool 5.5 (2057340)

8. Start services like update manager, srm, netapp vsc and set it to automatic (repair installations to trust new certs if needed)

Posted in: Vmware